Separated Parents: Put Together a Christmas Plan
When the holiday season rolls around, it can be special for families. However, when parents are living apart, putting together a Christmas plan regarding how children will spend their time and with whom they will do so can be a complex and contentious process. Since an agreement may or may not be in place regarding visitation, custody, and other issues, it is vital parents work together to make their holiday plans go as smoothly as possible. Yet should problems develop, don’t hesitate to consult with White Plains NY divorce attorneys from the Law Offices of Nicole Muscente.
Child Support
Since Christmas is such a special time for children, parents want to do as much as possible for their children. However, in many of these situations, child support payments may become an issue. If you are facing the task of trying to collect child support White Plains NY parents turn to the Law Offices of Nicole Muscente. By doing so, they have an attorney on their side who will fight hard to ensure children’s holidays are made as special as possible.
Living Arrangements
Because both parents will likely want to spend as much time as possible with their children at Christmas, it is crucial living arrangements be made well ahead of the holiday season, and also done so in a manner that both parents can agree upon. If this fails to take place, various issues can arise. Should you find yourself in a dispute involving living arrangements, discuss your situation with White Plains NY divorce attorneys at once.
Whether it is support payments, living arrangements, attending certain religious services, or other issues, putting together a Christmas plan can be complex even under the best of circumstances. Therefore, if you are in need of help obtaining child support White Plains NY parents always suggest turning to the Law Offices of Nicole Muscente.