Creating New Holiday Traditions for Children of Divorce

When the holiday season arrives, it is a time to be with family. But for children of divorce, this can mean many changes have taken place over the past year, making the holiday season one that can be filled with uncertainty. To make sure children of divorce can still enjoy the holiday season, here are some new traditions each individual parent can start that will allow for plenty of holiday cheer.
Volunteer with Your Kids
Once you have worked with White Plains NY divorce attorneys to complete custody agreements and other related matters, you can plan to be involved in volunteer activities with your children while they are visiting during the holidays. This can include visiting an animal shelter to feed and play with its resident dogs and cats, helping feed the homeless at a shelter, or perhaps helping distribute gifts to needy families.
Attend a Holiday-Themed Movie
Upon working with the Law Offices of Nicole Muscente to ensure you have holiday visitation arrangements in place, you and your children can choose to begin a new tradition of attending a holiday-themed movie together. Since many great movies come out over the holidays, this will be a fun experience that can be continued for many years.
Bake Some Christmas Goodies
Since you will have worked closely with White Plains NY divorce attorneys to make sure your children will be with you for part of the holiday season, put that time to good use by baking some Christmas goodies in the kitchen. Whether you decide to keep it simple and bake some cookies or perhaps decide to tackle a gingerbread house, this will lead to many great memories for you and your kids.
Should you have any questions concerning visitation agreements for you and your children over the holidays, don’t hesitate to contact the Law Offices of Nicole Muscente for a consultation.